HoS Highlights: Update on ECA Program and Drop Off Procedures

HoS Highlights: Update on ECA Program and Drop Off Procedures

By Dr. Ryan Persaud / August 30, 2024 / Head of School Highlights

Dear VERSO Community,

We’ve had a fantastic start to the ECA and Sports programs this year, and I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all our providers, both internal and external, as well as the Vipers Team for organizing these wonderful opportunities for our learners to grow. It’s truly inspiring to see this program thriving as VERSO continues to expand.

DSC08146 Swim Coffee Morning


Adjustments to ECA Program

As we complete our first two weeks, I’d like to share some observations and introduce a few important adjustments to our Extracurricular Activities (ECA) program after school to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved.

In the Arena, we’ve noticed some learners who are not part of the basketball practice moving around on the Arena floor and the second floor areas, including the weight room and spin room. This situation poses a safety concern and is a distraction to our athletes and coaches. 

Additionally, we’ve seen learners who have finished their 4:00pm ECA heading over to the Arena. If your child’s ECA ends at 4:00pm and they do not have a sibling in basketball practice, we ask that you leave the campus at that time.

Our ECA providers have also requested that parents wait in the designated waiting areas (pH7 and Lower Loop Lobby) to help our learners stay focused on their activities without distractions.

For your convenience, pH7 will remain open and available to parents and learners waiting for siblings to finish their ECA. Learning Assistants will supervise this space until 4:00pm.

The Lower Loop Lobby area will also be available for parents and learners from 2:45pm - 4:00pm while waiting for ECA to conclude. We kindly ask that you remain in this area until your child’s activity is completed, at which point they will be brought to you. Please remember that up until 4:00pm, in the learning spaces, Learning Designers are meeting, planning, and collaborating. Additionally, at times Learning Designers are having confidential meetings with parents.

During basketball practices, we request that only the parents of those participating in the practice stay in the stands to watch. If you have other children with you, please ensure they remain off the court, out of other areas in the Arena (including the second floor), and seated with you.

On Thursdays, when there are no sporting events, we’ll offer a supervised open gym at the Arena from 2:45pm - 4:00pm. Please note that the Arena will close promptly at 4;00pm.

Ensuring the safety of learners is of our utmost importance. At the same time, we want to provide spaces for parents and families to meet with each other and wait for their children while they complete ECA and other sports and activities.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in keeping the environment of our ECA program after school safe and productive for everyone.

New Drop Off Procedures

I would also like to inform you of a change to drop off procedures starting on Monday 2 September, 2024. Please see the diagrams below for new drop off procedures in the morning. These changes were recommended by our VERSOnian parent group in order to keep our learners safe in the morning with a high volume of traffic coming in. There will be security on stand by at both drop off areas.



The school has also installed additional signage that indicates the speed limit to 20 km/hr. We also have the security team stationed along the road to monitor and inform drivers.

Curriculum Quarterly

Your child's Curriculum Quarterly will be out next week, so please look out for it in your email. For new families, Curriculum Quarterlies are your chance to take a look at the teaching and learning taking place at VERSO. They are issued 4 times per academic year.

In closing, please save the dates for some upcoming Coffee Mornings. There will be a Head of School Coffee Morning on 18 September. Please look for a Google form to register and leave questions. Additionally, our Spirit Week and VERSOlympics (Whole School Sports Day) will be held during the week of September 23-27. More details on this coming up next week!

Warm regards,

Dr Ryan Persaud

Head of School

Reminder: Early Dismissal Dates

I would also like to give a reminder about our Early Dismissal Dates this academic year. The early dismissal initiative centers around increasing the opportunities our Learning Design Team is able to meet as a whole school. On early dismissal days, learners will be dismissed at 1:30pm.

Those learners who are enrolled in ECA on these Wednesdays will stay at VERSO and be transitioned to their ECA. For those learners who are not enrolled in ECA, we ask that they be picked up at 1:30pm so that our Learning Design Team can begin their meetings on time.

Learners will be dismissed at 1:30pm during these dates:

  • Wednesday 25 Sept 2024
  • Wednesday 27 Nov 2024
  • Wednesday 26 Mar 2025
  • Wednesday 28 May 2025
  • Friday 13 June (Upper Loop Graduation)

ผมขอถือโอกาสนี้ย้ำเตือนเกี่ยวกับกำหนดวันต่างๆ ในปีการศึกษานี้ ที่โรงเรียนของเราจะเลิกเรียนเร็วกว่าเวลาปกติด้วย ซึ่งแนวคิดนี้จะเพิ่มโอกาสให้ทีมครูผู้สอนของเราได้ประชุมร่วมกันครบทั้งโรงเรียน โดยในวันดังกล่าว โรงเรียนจะเลิกเวลา 13:30 น. นักเรียนที่ลงทะเบียนเรียน ECA ในวันนั้นๆ จะต้องอยู่ต่อเพื่อเข้าคลาสเรียน ECA ของแต่ละคน ส่วนนักเรียนคนอื่นๆ ที่ไม่ได้ลงทะเบียนเรียน ECA ผู้ปกครองจะรับกลับในเวลา 13:30 น. ทั้งนี้เพื่อให้ทีมครูผู้สอนของเราสามารถเริ่มการประชุมได้ตรงเวลา

กำหนดวันต่างๆ ที่โรงเรียนของเราจะเลิกเรียนเวลา 13.30 น:

  • วันพุธที่ 25 กันยายน 2567
  • วันพุธที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน 2567
  • วันพุธที่ 26 มีนาคม 2568
  • วันพุธที่ 28 พฤษภาคม 2568
  • วันศุกร์ที่ 13 มิถุนายน (พิธีสำเร็จการศึกษาของนักเรียน Upper Loop)

我还想提醒大家本学年的提早放学日期提早放学计划的目的是为了增加我们的学习设计团队为整个学校做开发的机会。在提早放学的日子里,学生将在下午 1:30 放学。但是星期三下午参加 ECA 的学生可以留在 VERSO 照常参加他们的 ECA。对于没有参加 ECA 的学生,我们要求您在下午 1:30 来接他们,以便我们的学习设计团队能够准时开始培训。

以下是学生下午 1:30 放学的日期:

2024 年 9 月 25 日    星期三

2024 年11月 27 日    星期三

2025 年 3 月 26 日    星期三

2025 年 5 月 28 日    星期三

2025 年 6 月 13 日    星期五(高中毕业典礼)

Important Reminders

  • 3 September: Whole School ConVERSO. There is NO SCHOOL and NO ECA for learners on this day. If you decide to bring your child with you, we ask that you take full responsibility for their supervision while at school. UL learners MUST come with their parents.
  • 4 September: UniVERSOtea Morning: University Application Components
  • 11 September:  Coffee Morning: Balancing a Digital Generation - Screen Time and Well-being
  • 18 September: HoS Coffee Morning
  • 19 September: Wai Kru Ceremony (details to follow)
  • 23-27 September: Spirit Week and VERSOlympics (details to follow)

Have a wonderful weekend ahead!

Best Regards,

Dr. Ryan Persaud

Head of School


