HoS Highlights: See you at the HoS Coffee Morning on 27 Sept!
Dear VERSO Community,
Today marked the exciting kickoff of Day 1 of our school's very first Spirit Days under the theme Future Ready Friday and it was fantastic to see an enthusiastic turnout of learners, learning designers, and staff, all dressed up !
This will be followed by Movie Magic Monday (25 Sept) and Team Spirit Tuesday (26 Sept), leading to the Homecoming U18 basketball girls and boys against Lycée Français International de Bangkok (LFIB) on Tuesday, September 26. Please come out and support our teams as it is our first homecoming event at VERSO. It will feature halftime performances, a DJ, a photo booth and more! Remember to dress in VERSO colors and bring your cheering props if you have them, and if not we will have thunder sticks for you to use during the cheering!
We recently held a training session with Childline Thailand Foundation's Executive Director Ilya Smirnoff and Manager Khun Auttapol Punyapattripob who provided us with insights and strategies to recognize, prevent, and respond effectively to child protection, child rights, and safeguarding concerns. We believe that by investing in this training, we're fostering a culture of care and protection within our educational community, where every child's well-being is a top priority. Thanks to our community, we were also able to gather a large donation of various items for the foundation and they will return next week to collect the remaining items!

I've been busy the past week with a series of marathon media interviews in which I have had the opportunity to share the VERSO story and my vision for VERSO. This has included both print and video interviews with Masala Magazine, Hello Education, and Krungthep Turakij Bangkok Biz. So please stay tuned, and share the word when these interviews are released!
I would also like to thank those parents who attended our first aid training with Princ Hospital on 14 September. Our next one will be on Tuesday 26 September from 8:00am-11:00am. If you plan on coaching or running an ASA here at VERSO, or supervising an after school space, please sign up using this link. We still have spaces available!

Coffee Mornings Presentations
For families who couldn't attend our previous Coffee Mornings, we've made all the presentations available on CoCo so you won't miss out. To access these resources, simply click here using your VERSO Gmail account.
Important Dates
25 September: Movie Magic Monday: Dress as your favorite movie character
26 September: Team Spirit Tuesday and HOMECOMING event! Dress in VERSO colors and get your face painted at lunch for our U18 Girls & Boys basketball game (3:00pm - 6:00pm) at the Arena
27 September: Head of School Coffee Morning
28 September: Wai Kru Day
4 October: uniVERSOtea Morning on Holistic Admissions and Testing
5 October: VERSO Open House
6 October: C7-8 ShowTime: Art Exhibition and Auction