HoS Highlights: Showtimes, Graduation, and Touchdown Update

HoS Highlights: Showtimes, Graduation, and Touchdown Update

By Ryan Persaud / May 31, 2024 / Head of School Highlights

Dear VERSO Community,

As we approach the end of the school year we have several opportunities to engage with VERSO and be a part of our learning community. There are several ShowTimes scheduled for the next few weeks:

  • Early Years 4-5 on 7 June
  • Cohort 5-6 on 11 June
  • Cohort 3-4  on 12 June
  • Cohort 1-2 on 13 June
  • Early Years 2-3 on 17 June
  • Upper Loop ULtimate on 18 June

Red and Brown Vintage Inspired Cultural Festival Poster-2EY4-5 Showtime-1C3-4 Learning Lab 4 (1)

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Please check your calendars in CoCo and on LINE for other events as well. It is a busy few weeks ahead and you don’t want to miss out.


Graduation is set for 14 June. We are getting very excited to celebrate our very first graduating class here at VERSO. Please note the event will be live streamed. Learners from C7-8 and up will be in attendance. Other cohorts will be provided the opportunity to have a watch party in their classrooms. The wider VERSO community is encouraged to watch from the comfort of their own homes..

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Touchdown and Farewells

One last event to share is our annual Touchdown event as we celebrate the school year. Preparation is well underway and I would like to thank Mr. Graham for taking the lead on this event and all of our student performers who are actively getting ready. This will take place on 18 June in the arena. The event starts at 12:45pm and is sure to be one to remember. There will be loads of entertainment, and a chance to say farewell to those Learning Designers who will be leaving us this year. Please join us for our final event of the 2023-2024 school year. And, as we close out the year, and say our goodbyes to our departing LDs, at the same time, next school year we will be welcoming a new group of LDs to VERSO. Next week we will be sharing the list of our new LDs joining VERSO.

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This upcoming week brings to an end our VERTEX exhibitions. VERTEX is an annual independent research initiative where Grade 12 learners delve deeply into a subject they're passionate about. Throughout the year, they hone key skills such as research, critical thinking, project management, and communication by collaborating with mentors and effectively managing their time. As the culmination of their educational journey at Upper Loop, VERTEX symbolizes the peak of each learner's growth and readiness for the future, preparing them for both higher education and professional endeavors. Please come support our learners as this exciting journey comes to an end.





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Clipboard Software

Lastly, this is just a reminder to check CoCo for the link to our new Clipboard software. This is our new ECA software to sign up for your child(s) ECAs. The link to the registration guide and the link to the sign up can be found when you first log in to CoCo. If you missed the ECA coffee morning today, there will be another opportunity to hear from our  Director of Athletics and ECAs Mr. Garrett Cutler

CM sports

VERSO House Mascots

A big thank you to our incredible learners for their creativity and hard work in developing unique designs for our VERSO House Mascots. Their journey through the design thinking process has produced some truly inspiring concepts. If you have been catching up on your Loop Leaders newsletters you would have seen the process the learners have experienced to refine their designs.

You can view the designs on display in pH7. There is a QR code available (one the window in pH7) that allows our community to cast their vote for their favorite mascot.

For those unable to visit the campus over the next 2 weeks, you can still participate by clicking on this link to cast your vote.


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It is time for the VERSO community to cast their vote. It is always tricky to vote on a clear favorite. 
Out of the 4 mascot design sets you must choose the set that you think best captures Wind, Fire, Earth, and Water as our 4 elements and 4 VERSO mindsets. 
We would like you to vote on what we should name each VERSO House.
The ballot will close at noon on Friday 7 June. Thank you for contributing and we are excited to share the results very soon! 
Lastly, next Friday, June 7th is our VERSO Staff and Faculty end of year celebration. We kindly ask that parents/guardians pick up their child/children right after the ECA so that our employees have a chance to unwind and celebrate. Thank you for your understanding. 


Enjoy your long weekend.

Best regards,

Ryan Persaud

Head of School

