HoS Highlights: Marching Through March with Updates
Dear VERSO Community,
I hope that everyone had a wonderful week back after spring break! As families were just getting their break started on 23 February, we had our 4th Professional Learning Day this school year. VERSO welcomed back Colleen Ackford from Erin Kent Consulting who spent the day working with our Learning Designers around improving literacy instruction and setting literacy goals for VERSO. As part of Colleen’s visit, she also held two parent coffee mornings in which she shared ideas as to how parents, guardians and caregivers can partner with VERSO to encourage more reading and language acquisition outside of school.

SWAP Session
This past Wednesday we held a parent session to provide feedback on the development of the School Wide Action Plan (SWAP). We had over twenty parents in attendance! I would like to personally thank these parents for giving up their time to engage with us in the development of the SWAP for the future of VERSO. There were many great ideas shared and we are excited to incorporate them into the plan. We will be wrapping up our work on the SWAP in the next few weeks, and then looking to share our work with the WASC visiting committee for further feedback.
This week we also held an Early Years parent session aimed to empower participants with a deeper understanding of child development, emphasizing the importance of language acquisition and fostering a supportive home environment. Through discussions and hands-on activities, parents gained practical strategies for managing screen time effectively while encouraging educational engagement. Ultimately, the session strived to foster a sense of community and collaboration among parents and Learning Designers working together to support each child's growth and development with confidence. Thank you to Learning Designers Emma Weston and Maria Ruiz Vincente for their work in preparing and delivering this session.
Yesterday we held our second fire drill of this academic year. I would like to thank all of our faculty and staff for their commitment to student safety. This was a successful drill and we were able to surpass our target exit time.
On 30 March, VERSO will be participating at the Bangkok Education Fair at the Intercontinental Hotel. This is the largest international school fair in Bangkok and we are looking forward to sharing VERSO with the broader community. If you know any families who may be interested in learning more about VERSO please encourage them to visit the fair. More details can be found on our Facebook or here,
Thank you for reading this week's HoS Highlights. Have a good weekend!
Best regards,
Ryan Persaud
Head of School
Important Dates
- 13 March: UniVERSOtea: Making the Most of Summer by Greg Mason
- 15 March: Deadline for Early Bird Registration for VERSO Summer Program
- 20 March: Coffee Morning for LL: Digital Safety, AI and Data Protection by Dr Rolly Maiquez
- 27 March: Coffee Morning for ML & UL: Digital Safety, AI and Data Protection by Dr Rolly Maiquez