Lower Loop Latest! Celebrating a Year of Discovery and Growth: The Final Lower Loop Latest for 2024

Lower Loop Latest! Celebrating a Year of Discovery and Growth: The Final Lower Loop Latest for 2024

By Cushla Jones / June 18, 2024 / Lower Loop Latest, Learning Designers

As we wrap up another exciting school year, our final edition of the Lower Loop Latest highlights the incredible journeys of our young learners beyond the classroom walls. From exploring the wonders of movement to tackling real-world problems, our learners have truly embraced the spirit of inquiry and discovery.

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Greetings Lower Loop Families,

As we wrap up another exciting school year, our final edition of the Lower Loop Latest highlights the incredible journeys of our young learners beyond the classroom walls. From exploring the wonders of movement to tackling real-world problems, our learners have truly embraced the spirit of inquiry and discovery. In this edition, I would like to highlight some of these trips, provide an update on the VERSO mascots, and share with you the Lower Loop Team for 2024-2025. 

EY2-3 Harborland Adventure

Our youngest learners ventured to Harborland, a vibrant play space teeming with opportunities for exploration and physical development. The day was filled with laughter and excitement as the children navigated through climbing walls, slides, and ball pits. Immersed in imaginative role-play, they explored various modes of movement and transportation, enhancing their understanding of our current Learning Lab inquiry, "How do we move?" This adventure not only sparked joy but also fostered their physical abilities, creativity, and social skills.






C3-4 at the National Science Museum

Cohort 3-4 took their learning about forces, motion, and energy to the National Science Museum. Here, they engaged in hands-on activities to design and build Rube Goldberg Machines. The learners demonstrated resilience and teamwork as they tackled the challenges of their projects, learning from each failure and celebrating each success. This experience deepened their understanding of scientific principles and the design thinking process.

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C1-2 at the Information Technology Museum

Cohort 1-2 explored the evolution of technology at the Information Technology Museum. They marveled at historical technological artifacts and participated in a hands-on workshop where they built sweeper cars using Lego. This activity nurtured their engineering skills and sparked a deeper interest in the technological advancements that shape our world.

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EY4-5 Environmental Initiatives (Wheels Day)

The EY 4-5 cohort has been working in three different committees to learn more about various problems the Earth is facing, such as water, air, and land pollution. They have been exploring different ways to help daily to make the Earth happier. The Gardening and Public Transport Committee has been working on different ways to help with air pollution. They organized a Wheels Day with the EY 2-3 cohort last month to encourage families and learners to use fewer vehicles. This time, they recorded a news video to invite Cohort 1-2 to a Wheels Day to continue spreading the word. The learners in Cohort 1-2 accepted the invitation, and we had an incredible experience together! Watch the Wheels Day news video.

EY4-5 Nature Committees

The Trash and Recycling Heroes Committee has organized recycling bins to be placed in the Lower Loop building to encourage families in our community to recycle and reduce the amount of trash in landfills. They have recorded this stop-motion video to spread awareness and inform families and learners. You can bring your recyclable items to VERSO and place them in the correct bin! Watch the recycling awareness video.

The Donating and Reusable Items Committee has recorded this stop-motion video to spread awareness about the importance of giving toys and clothes a second life, as well as using reusable items like bags and water bottles, to reduce trash. Watch the reusable items awareness video. 

Lower Loop Team for 2024-2025

Please find below the Learning Designers and Learning Assistants who will be working together to make Lower Loop a vibrant and engaging place of learning and discovery in the coming school year! 

Early Years

Cohort Leader: Emma

  • EY2-3:
    • Learning Designers (LDs): 
      • Joleen (EY2 Contact LD)
      • Rachel  (EY3 Contact LD)
    • Learning Assistants (LAs):
      •  Ezra and Dream
  • EY4-5:
    • Learning Designers (LDs):
      • Maria (EY5 Contact LD)
      • Chandler (EY4 Contact LD)
      • Elisha (EY4 Contact LD)
    • Learning Assistants (LA's): 
      • Coco and Pure

Lower Loop

Cohort Leader: Nick

  • C1-2:
    • Learning Designers (LDs):
      • Myshi (C1 Contact LD)
      • Jose (C2 Contact LD)
    • Learning Assistants (LAs): 
      • Emi and Muay
  • C3-4:
    • Learning Designers (LDs): 
      • Muni (C3 Contact LD)
      • Michael (C4 Contact LD)
    • Learning Assistant (LA): 
      • Dear


  • Student Success:
    • Learning Designer (LDs):
      • Sapphira - EY and LL Counselor - Social and Emotional
      • Wit - EY and LL Academic Learning Support
  • Thai Language and Culture:
    • Learning Designer (LD):
      • Joe (EY and LL Contact LD)
    • Learning Assistant (LA): Nungning
  • Chinese:
    • Learning Designer (LD):
      • Clover (EY4/5 and C1-4 Contact LD)
    • Learning Assistant (LA): Pure
  • Literacy Specialist:
    • Learning Designer (LD):
      • Sarah (EY4/5, C1-2, and C3-4)
  • Well-Being:
    • Learning Designers (LDs):
      • Garrett (EY2-3  and EY4 Contact LD)
      • Shanna (EY5, C1-2,C3-4, and ML Contact LD)
    • Learning Assistant (LA): April
  • Performing Arts:
    • Learning Designer (LD):
      • Graham (EY4/5, C1-2, C3-4 Contact LD)
    • Learning Assistant (LA): Ha
  • Visual Arts:
    • Learning Designer (LD):
      • Carlee (EY, LL and ML Contact LD)
    • Learning Assistant (LA): LA from each cohort group
  • Aquatics :
    • Head of Aquatics (LD):
      • Josh (EY and LL Contact LD)
    • Lower Loop Swim Coach
      • Pry
  • EY/ LL Maternity Cover/ Substitute Learning Designer :
    • Josh

I would like to thank Ronen (C3-4) and James (EY2-3) for their dedication and service to VERSO. Please join me in wishing them all the best for their future they will be missed from the 2024-2025 team tapestry next year.

House Mascots | Building Community

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Once again, a big thank you to our VERSO community for sharing your feedback regarding our VERSO House mascots. We received 103 responses, and Set A was the overall favorite with 41.7%.

The next step is for the design team to develop the Set A concept and then share the final design. We have taken your feedback into account and will make some changes to improve the design even more.

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In terms of naming the houses, the responses were quite close. We are discussing what to name each house, keeping our host country Thailand in mind and recognizing that one of our pillars is personal and cultural identity. Once we have the final design concept, we will share it with the community next year. We will then go through a process for learners to nominate House Captains, providing leadership opportunities and strengthening the school community.


We appreciate your contributions in shaping this process together. We are one huge step closer in revealing our VERSO House mascots.

G12 Graduation

Last Friday, 14 June, marked a historic milestone as we celebrated our inaugural graduation ceremony! It was a milestone seeing the Class of 2024, our first batch of graduate Citizen Designers, walk across the stage after years of hard work.
Equipped with the skills to transition into new roles, they’re now heading to different universities around the word and pursuing their passions. We look forward to seeing the positive impact they'll create in the world and wish them all the very best.
Please visit VERSO Facebook page to watch the graduation ceremony (click on 26 mins) and click on the image below to watch the documentary video of the Class of 2024.
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With Thanks and Gratitude

As we close out this remarkable school year, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to every member of the VERSO community. Your dedication, enthusiasm, and support have made this year a memorable journey of learning and growth.

We believe that "it takes a village to raise a child," and this year has shown us the power of unity between VERSO and families in nurturing our learners. Together, we have created a vibrant and dynamic learning environment where each child can thrive.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. We look forward to continuing this partnership in the years to come, united in our commitment to the success and well-being of our learners.

With warm regards from us all,

The Lower Loop Team

Save the Dates

2024-2025 ShowTime for Middle Loop

Q1 | EY4-5 and C3-4 ShowTime | Learning Lab

Q2 | C1-2 and EY2-3 ShowTime | Learning Lab

Q3 | C3-4 ShowTime | All EY and LL | 3-Way ConVERSOs

Q4 | EY23, EY4-5, C1-2, and C3-4 ShowTime | Some Workshops and Learning Labs of the Early Years and Lower Loop program 

Dates of actual events to be shared with you in the coming VERSO year. 

9 August: Family Orientation Day (New Families Orientation 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | New and Returning Families LD Welcome Session in Cohorts 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm)

13 August: First Day of School & Lift Off for all learners and parents (8:00 am-8:30 am at The Arena)


By Cushla Jones
