Lower Loop Latest - New Adventures!
This week was full of new experiences for our Lower Loop. Now that routines have been set and communities built, learners have had more opportunities to participate in different activities.
New Adventures for Our Learners!
This week was full of new experiences for our Lower Loop. Now that routines have been set and communities built, learners have had more opportunities to participate in different activities.
Early Years Explorers
In Early Years, our young learners have been exploring how to use their senses to learn more about the world around them. Science activities, such as boiling eggs, were set up to allow them to learn through their senses. Examining their surroundings and talking about what they see, hear, smell, taste, and feel are important transferrable skills.
VERSO Viper Debut
We participated in our FIRST GBAC event, with a basketball game at Thai Sikh International School. Eleven of our students were led by our very own Coach Chad. Lower Loop was represented by: Jaco, Sonic, Tim, Punn, Win, Namin, and Joshua. Despite being a new team, they played well and supported each other. We hope to run extra practices, and more information about dates/times will be shared once they are confirmed. We'll have more opportunities as more students join our various teams!
Note that we have a GBAC Swim Meet next Friday. This time our swimmers will be representing us at Wellington College.
Also, we will be playing a friendly football game at VERSO with Montessori Academy Bangkok International School next Monday at 3:15pm. This is not an official GBAC game, but it will provide another chance for our learners to engage with other schools.
C1-2 Trip to TK Park (Written by Ms. Myshi)
Cohort 1-2 went on their first Beyond the Walls trip of the year, to TK Park. It aligns perfectly with their current Learning Lab unit. The driving question is: “How can Stories develop our understanding of ourselves and others?”
This trip allowed learners to understand how a public library works, the layout of a library and why libraries still exist today. Reflecting on this excursion will get learners to think about how storytelling has developed over time, how genres play a part in writing, and how an author thinks.
Learners toured various sections of the library and spent time in the areas they enjoyed the most. Seeing them reading in various parts of the library, whether it be cozied up in a 'beehive' or up in a 'treehouse,' really showed us how the layout of a library can foster the love of reading. It was a wonderful trip, and the learners enjoyed a day of exploring and connecting with others through stories! Watch out for some freshly inspired authors coming your way soon!
Many thanks for meeting with your child's Learning Designers at last week's conVERSos. Great warm feedback from parents about the meetings themselves. We have received some valuable, cool feedback about the sign-up process and will address them for the next round of meetings. Please do not hesitate to request a meeting at any point in the year to discuss your child.
By Mihoko Chida