Upper Loop Updates: 29 March 2024 Q3 Wrap Up!
Dear Upper Loop Learners & Families,ANNOUNCEMENTSEarly Dismissal Friday 5 April
Family Vacations
- Family vacations are great and help learners strengthen their family connections and decompress from academics.
- We are noticing that often some of these vacations are during school time.
- From a holistic perspective, we would like to advise against planning family vacations [classified as unexcused absences according to our Family Handbook] during the school program.
- Specialty Labs such as Math, Research, and AP classes are challenging to get caught up in, especially when multiple days are missed in a row.
- Learning Labs are even more difficult to catch up in because they are 9 week projects that are designed as a sequence of phases, each one building upon the previous phase.
- When a learner misses out on significant amounts of project time, especially with short notice, their learning progression becomes disrupted and sometimes even derailed.
- This has a negative impact on learning and, therefore, grades.
If a family vacation is unavoidable, please make contact with your learner’s Advisor as soon as possible so that we can help the learner design a strategy to minimize the impact of the loss of class time.

Evidence of a VERSO Changemaker in Action!Our G12 learner Kyoka Shodladd, as part of their activism, was appointed as one of the marriage equality ad-hoc committees representing civil society. Below Kyoka describes the experience in their own words: "I was also the youngest member of the committee and it was the first time ever that the legislation drafted by civil society came this far in Thai history. This is the translation of what I said to Parliament: Honorable Chairperson and Members of Parliament, I, Plaifah Kyoka Shodladd, an 18 year old a non-binary activist and the member of the marriage equality ad-hoc committee representing Civil Society, affirm the significance of having the term 'parent' in this marriage equality legislation. This marriage equality not only allows legal marriage for all genders, but it also opens the door for individuals in the LGBTQIAN+ community to start their own families and be legally recognized by families, society, and law with dignity and justice.
These are real issues affecting the lives and identities of diverse gender individuals in Thai society. Due to the current provisions in the Civil and Commercial Code, the current legal system only still adheres to binary gender terms and only recognizes families formed by a father and a mother, leaving families of diverse gender identities unrecognized under Thai law. The societal landscape has changed along with ongoing social movements, and it is time for the law to catch up with society. As a 18 years old non-binary at, I am concerned that we won't have the right to choose in the future. But today, I am hopeful and as I stand here today in this parliament I hope that all members of parliament will recognize and embrace the importance of LGBTQIAN+ families." It's time to reimagine the society we can create together and give us back the rights of the LGBTQIAN+ community. Our marriage equality movement, along with the people we have already made, has surpassed the expectations of many people. Now, the entire nation and world are watching us as we write a new chapter in Thai history. This is a history that will change Thailand and our society forever. From this moment forward, I truly believe that the definition of family will be redefined, leading us toward a society where there is gender justice. Thailand will become a country where everyone has visibility and their identity within their families, society, and laws. It will be a nation driven by love, acceptance, and justice. |
🙏VERSO Community Appreciation Message
- On behalf of VERSO+ Activism Club and Upper Loop Learning Labs, thank you everyone for contributing to the VERSO community's donation drive between February and March.
- We have received well over a hundred items that will go towards supporting the Second Chance Bangkok social enterprise!
Vertex (with Gideon & Thomas)
Brace yourselves for events showcasing our senior learners’ creativity, talent, and insights as they unveil their VERTEX projects!
- Start the journey with Prim's talk on the rediscovery and conservation of Neptune’s Cup Sponge on 2 April at King’s College. Then, catch her at the Thai Dive Expo at Queen Sirikit National Convention Center during May 16-19, where she’ll spotlight her project and fundraising initiatives.
- Step into the future of fashion with Moe Moe’s "INTERCONNECT: Modular Fashion for a Sustainable Style" exhibition, at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC), 5th floor, from 28 May to 2 June.
- Be moved by Pan Pan’s musical journey, which reflects pivotal life moments and beloved musical genres, in a mini-concert at the Goethe-Institut on 29 May.
- Witness Kyoka’s art activism project, a reimagination of an inclusive future through the stories of the LGBTQIAN+ community, at the Broccoli Revolution, Charoen Krung Branch, from 28 May to 9 June.
- Explore the world of Thai Superstitions through Peachy’s artistic lens at the BACC, 5th floor, from 7-19 May.
- Participate in Selina’s transformative Neurodivergence talk and workshop at Art4C on 25 May. Mental health care kits will also be distributed to participating schools on this day.
- Pu’s exhibition, featuring original animation and illustrations raising awareness on mental health, will be on display at BACC, 5th floor, from 28 May - 2 June. Artist's presentation will be on 28 May.
Power Hour (with Coaches Joe & Thomas)
This past week, learners finished up a series of swimming sessions with several team relays.
As learners move into Q4, they will continue with physical fitness activities alongside time based activities.
While Q3 explored more group HITT (High Intensity Interval Training) based physical exercises, Q4 will have learners begin identifying their physical fitness goals and establishing a routine they intend to follow.
They will create a program, identifying exercises that they will do on a weekly basis.
AP Courses Exam Schedule
AP Comp Sci
8 May, 12:00 pm
- AP Precalculus
13 May 13, 12:00 pm
AP Bio
16 May, 12:00 pm
AP Physics
17 May, 8:00 am
- AP 2D Art & Design (Portfolio Submission)
2 & 3 May
UniVERSOlly Well (with Greg)
In the past two weeks, we have had university visits from Les Roches & Glion Schools of hospitality. They presented the education for working with luxury brands and hotels around the world.
We had a US Public University, Ohio Northern University present to our students, and they were so impressed with VERSO that they want to set up a scholarship for engineering just for VERSO students!
Today we had a visit from a large private university, Xavier University.
Both ONU and Xavier have made offers to our seniors in the direct admissions platform Concourse Global.
In Q4 we are transitioning from mental illness and psychology to resilience and academic counseling. We are starting to refine our four-year plans as the 2024 schedule of courses is being finalized.
The AP exams have arrived to VERSO and we are ready to start our mock exams in April to prepare our students for the exam experience in May.
We have begun a transition from Unifrog (our college counseling software) to a more streamlined and easy to use software called SCOIR.
All students in the high school are uploaded and will be taking advantage of career interest surveys, university searching, and eventually, the sending of documents for applications.

Life Skills (with Joseph)
- Learners have been busy preparing for life after VERSO with a focus on overseas student experiences.
- A major focus has been practicing their cooking skills with a variety of challenges.
- There has been a one-pot challenge, a 30-minute challenge, and a 5 ingredient challenge.
- We have looked at life in university dorms, healthy eating and how to construct a nutritious and satisfying meal, travel booking, international finances, and learning racquet sports (badminton and tennis) as they are best for combining health and community building.
By Jarret Voytilla