HoS Highlights: See You All At LIft-off [7 Aug]
By Ryan Persaud / August 04, 2023
Head of School Highlights
I hope this email finds you well and enjoying the final days of the summer vacation.
Another exciting week of onboarding has quickly come to a close. This week we saw our Learning Designers and Learning Assistants return to VERSO to build community, to engage in professional learning, and to prepare to welcome your children.
Speaking of welcoming your children, I would like to remind you of our VERSO Lift-Off event that is taking place on Monday 7 August, beginning at 8:30am. You will have a chance to hear from me, and meet the rest of the leadership team, plus meet your children's Learning Designers. Should you have more than one child at VERSO, we will be running multiple sessions to accommodate you. There will also be fun activities to participate in. New families will have the chance to pick up uniforms and get acquainted with technology needs.

I would also like to share a few important links with you for this school year and request you to spend some time in completing two essential forms: The Family Onboarding Form and the Health Record Update Form.
- The 2023-2024 VERSO Family Onboarding Form (Must be completed by ALL families before 8 August)
- The 2023-2024 Health Record Update Form (Must be completed by ALL families before 8 August)
- The Family Handbook 2023-2024
- The 2023-2024 School Calendar
I look forward to seeing all of you this Monday!
Best regards,
Ryan Persaud
Head of School
Important Dates:
- 7 August: VERSO Lift-Off
- 8 August: First Day of School
- 14 August: School Holiday - HM the Queen Mother's Birthday (in lieu of 12 August)
- 16 - 28 August: After-School Activities Sign Ups
- 23 August/8:00am-9:00am: After-School Activities & Sports Coffee Morning @Connect with Garrett Cutler, Athletics Director
- 30 August/8:00am-9:30am: EAL Coffee Morning @Connect with Munira Tejpar (LL) and Maria Pannakan (ML)