

Check out our latest blogs and explore who we are, how we learn, and how we live at VERSO! There’s so much to show and tell!

Upper Loop Updates: Exciting and Challenging Lab Topics and More!
Please save the date on 31 January when our UL Career and University Counselor Greg Mason and I will be leading a session on our high school academic...
Lower Loop Latest - Q2 360's and Lunar New Year Festivities
Get ready to receive an overview of all the experiences that your child has been a part of in Quarter 2 – on Friday, 2 February! You'll be getting...
ML Muster: Update on your child's Q2 360 Progress Report
VERSO 360s, Communication and Tech Safeguarding: In this Together! Next Friday 2 February, families will be receiving their child's VERSO 360...
HoS Highlights: Leading into the New Year
Dear VERSO Community, For those whom I have not yet seen, a very Happy New Year to you! Throughout the lead-up to the winter break, our graduating...
From Problems to Solutions: My Design Thinking Journey at VERSO
Dive into the realm of design thinking through the eyes of our G8 student, Mona. She recently spoke to a group of parents, explaining how this...
Upper Loop Updates: Celebrating 30 University Acceptances as of January 2024!
The majority of our learners are out in the field this week on the Duke of Edinburgh expedition, so this ULU will be brief, and the focus will be on...
Lower Loop Latest - Happy New Year!
Happy New Year 2024, and welcome back, VERSO Family!
ML Muster: I have something exciting to share!
Let's go 2024! Happy New Year! Hoping you all had a restful and enjoyable December holiday. Holidays are a time for reflection and celebration of...
HoS Highlights: Season's Greetings and Happy Holidays!
Dear VERSO Community, I hope this newsletter finds everyone well and ready for a holiday! A big thank you and congratulations to the entire community...
Game On: How Do Competitive Sports Shape Identity?
Competitive sport can shape identity: What team sport can teach us about life... What a week it has been on planet VERSO - Look 4 Learning, Staff vs...
Upper Loop Updates - Upper Loop Winter Showtime
New Event! Please join us for ULtimate Winter Showtime right before the Winter Fest event. This Showtime may not have all the pageantry of the June...
Lower Loop Latest - Creating Magical Moments Together
We hope this newsletter finds you well and ready to embrace the festive spirit! We are delighted to announce the upcoming Winter Fest on 8 December,...
HoS Highlights: Parent Learning Opportunities, Events, and More!
Dear VERSO Community, I would like to start by highlighting some of the parent learning opportunities that have taken place recently and those that...
New York State Standards, Where Are They In the ML?
Knowledge and Skills: Competencies & New York State Standards Dear Middle Loop Learners & Families, There is such positive energy swirling around the...
Lower Loop Latest - Embark on a Journey of Discovery
It's been an incredible fortnight filled with exploration and play here at VERSO. Our learners have been on some thrilling adventures, and we're...
Upper Loop Updates - The Latest Buzz!
This week FtF went Beyond the Walls to visit Bangkok’s largest vertical farm to learn about the processes, technology, and environmental benefits of...
HoS Highlights: November Notes and Updates
Dear VERSO Community, I'm delighted to announce our second HoS Coffee Morning, scheduled for Wednesday 13 December 2023. During this second coffee...
Curious About Your Child's 360 Report?
Q1 VERSO 360s : A Snapshot of Learning and Progress
Upper Loop Updates - That’s what’s up in the Upper Loop!
Last week learners had fun assessing their physical limits by completing physical challenges and obstacle courses at the Movement Playground for...
Lower Loop Latest - Learning and Laughing Together
Our Lower Loop Halloween Parade this year was nothing short of fantastic! It was truly heartwarming to see so many families join us in the morning...
HoS Highlights: October's News and Updates
Dear VERSO Community, I hope that everyone had a restful break and took the time to recharge as we begin our next quarter. During the break the...
Shimmying Past Shyness: Proud's Belly Dance Journey
Hello Everyone! I am Proudratana, though many call me by my nickname Proud. I want to pull back the curtains and take you on a personal journey — one...
Upper Loop Updates - Learning Labs and Upcoming Exhibition
We have a few exciting updates to share with the community this week from our amazing team of Learning Designers.
HoS Highlights: Halloween Dress Code for VERSO
Halloween Dress Code for VERSO Dear VERSO Learners & Families, In the spirit of promoting a fun, inclusive, and safe environment, we've established...
ML Muster: Have You Heard About Our BTW and ShowTimes?
ShowTime + BTW: Real experiences is what builds confidence and communication!
HoS Highlights: Outstanding Community in Action!
Dear VERSO Community, It has been a very exciting two weeks since I shared the last HoS Highlights with you. We had our very first homecoming game...
Upper Loop Updates - Upcoming Career & University Guidance Event
You are invited to join our Career and University Guidance Counselor Greg Mason on Wednesday, 4 October, 8:00am - 9:00am, at the uniVERSOtea morning...
ML Muster: Exciting Updates on Your Child's Math Program
I hope this ML Muster finds you well! This Muster spotlights our Math Lab program and the big mathematical concepts students are exploring at the...
Lower Loop Latest - Lower and Middle Unite at Lunchtime!
I trust this Lower Loop Latest finds you all in good health and spirits. It's been truly wonderful to engage in conversations with so many of you...
HoS Highlights: See you at the HoS Coffee Morning on 27 Sept!
Dear VERSO Community, Today marked the exciting kickoff of Day 1 of our school's very first Spirit Days under the theme Future Ready Friday and it...
Lower Loop Latest - Nurturing Strength: Supporting Our Children's Immunity
At the heart of VERSO is our commitment to the well-being and success of every member of our extended family, including our learners, parents, and...
Upper Loop Updates - Quick Updates on Specialty Labs & Learning Labs
We have a few exciting updates to share with the community this week from our amazing team of Learning Designers.
ML Muster: Check Out Your Child In Action!
Thank you for coming along to ConVERSOs last Friday to connect and share.
Vipers Valor: Get ready for VERSO's first ever Homecoming Event!
Hello Viper Fans! I hope this email finds you well and ready for some more action, because we have some really exciting stuff coming up! But before...
HoS Highlights: New After-School Spaces for Learners to Play and Connect
This week I would like to focus on an important topic, and that is to share how we will be providing additional spaces for your children to interact...
Introducing VERSO+ Activism Club Initiatives
The VERSO+ Activism Club is our Upper Loop learner-led club that hosts fundraisers and educational workshops and facilitates inter-school meetups....